I've been trying to keep busy preparing for JET but I'd like to have everything done before I head out for my trip to the west coast. That's right I'm going to be in San Francisco from the 20th to the 25th with my best friend Adam. I've never really been to San Fran so I'm looking forward to going and Adam loves it, so convincing him to go with me was pretty easy. Originally I was trying to get my parents to come with but they're a bit too caught up with stuff going on with other things right now. We're staying at a hostel it turns out since Adam's relatives are going to be out of town.
I got an email from Christopher, my predecessor again. He said he's staying another week at least to help me get settled in at work and into my new apartment. It's less than 3 weeks until I am in Yamagata, I can't believe it. He mentioned that they're meeting me at the airport in Yamagata so I guess I have to take another plane from Narita to Yamagata Airport. I don't exactly know what I'm going to be doing workwise when I arrive. I understand I have to sign my contract do paperwork for my insurance, alien registration card, tax exemption, etc., but I wonder what my responsibilities are going to be right off the bat since school won't be in session until early September. I'd say I'm 80% excited and 20% nervous. What I'm scared about most is walking in the first day in front of the class, giving a good impression and not looking like a total loser. Though I've come to realize I can't be afraid of looking like a loser in the beginning at least. I certainly don't have stage freight as bad as I used to and that's one reason I thought I could do this job. At the Japanese Embassy last summer, I participated in presentations for K-12ers and even undergrad and grad student interns from the state department several times a week. Yes, I did embarrass myself multiple times, but it was also interesting to see my weaknesses and get feedback on how to improve. After awhile I realized I couldn't be afraid of what everyone thought about me; rather how to best convey the content of the lecture/lesson and to make sure everyone (including myself) had fun being there.
In the meantime I'm just trying to make the most of my time before I leave. What's the saddest is that there are some people I know I may never see again, like my elderly grandparents. I feel guilty about leaving them, but I know they're happy for me that I am following my dream. I just hope to make the experience worthwhile, so everyone who loves me can see their support pay off.
P.S. here is my future address:
Yamagata-ken, Nagai-Shi
Omachi 13-3-203 Kouzinsou
In Japanese:
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